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Blogging is a great way to earn a living and get your views out there on the World Wide Web. No matter whether you are blogging in order to make a living or simply want to express your opinion on a subject near and dear to your heart, there are 5 blogging tips which every blogger should know and follow in order to make your blog a complete success.

Blog About What You Know

It is really important to blog about what you know. Since you are providing information to the masses and most individuals depend on this information for accurate details, it is crucial that you blog about the things you know best. As far as blogging tips go, this is an extremely important one. You want to make sure not only that the information you disperse to the public is accurate but also that the topic is easy for you to write about.

Take Advantage of Money Making Ventures Via Blogging

Whether you are blogging for work or fun, there are many ways to turn your blog into a money making venture. This is one of the more vital blogging tips as most people want to make some money while doing what they love. Various money making ventures via blogging include affiliate programs, pay per click programs and selling your own products through your blog.

Keep Your Blog Current and Up to Date

In the grand scheme of blogging tips, the following is quite important. You want to always be sure to keep your blog information current and up to date. Blogging consists of new information which is continuously kept current. This will also help you to make more money should you have money making programs attached to your blog.

Fill Your Blog with Helpful Information

Some of the best blogs out there these days are ones which provide helpful information to the readers. Although it is interesting to simply read one's blog about their life or past experiences, it is even better to leave the blog having gathered helpful information about one subject or another. Filling your blog with this helpful information will make it that much more popular and aid individuals in their day to day lives.

Make Every Blog Entry Interesting and Engaging

The last of these blogging tips which you should consider in your daily blogging journeys is to make every blog entry interesting and engaging. It doesn't matter what the topic may be, there are ways to spin them so that they interest and engage the readers. This will keep them coming back from more. This means that those who use their blogs to make money will have repeat customers on a frequent basis. You want your blog to stand out from the rest as there are so many different blogs on the Internet. When writing your blog entries, think of what you would want to read on someone else's blog and what would keep you coming back for more time and time again. More on

Tip #1
Understand the industry you want to be paid to blog for.

Let’s assume you enjoy health and nutrition and have read up on this topic for years. In fact, you know many facts and “insider secrets” by heart and often share this information with friends, relatives, and strangers in your local health food store. That’s a topic you could easily be paid to write about. Because of your vast knowledge, the posts will come easy and when they don’t you’re magazine subscriptions will offer plenty of food for thought.

Tip #2
Never accept a non-compete contract.

As a blog writer, you will make your living writing for various blogs. A non-compete clause will prevent you from writing about the same topic on another blog and that’s not good for business.

As a health and nutrition specialist, you may write for a vegetarian blog, a holistic treatment blog, a vitamin company’s blog, and even a diet blog. There’s no competition there, right? And no “conflict of interest”, correct? The non-compete clause won’t even apply.

But what if you’re asked to write for another vegetarian blog? That’s when the non-compete clause kicks in and prevents you from earning a better living. Is there really a conflict of interest? Not if you don’t post the same information on both blogs. You can write for five different vegetarian blogs and still not show a conflict of interest. It’s all about choosing a different angle on the same idea and writing about it.

Tip #3
Never rely on revenue sharing as your sole source of income.

You’re job as a blog writer is to write about topics relevant to the blog’s theme and interact with commenters. Your job isn’t to market and advertise the blog. That’s the company’s job. If the company isn’t pulling its weight, the ad revenue will not exist and if the ad revenue doesn’t exist, neither does your salary. It’s best to be paid a flat fee, but if the company you truly want to work for only pays in ad revenue, negotiate a monthly stipend plus a percentage of the ad revenues.

If you’re going to get paid based on ad revenue or clicks, and you’re job is to also promote and market the blog, you should start your own blog. That way, you get to keep all the income you earn and don’t have to share the revenues with a company who isn’t doing anything to help promote the blog—aside from hosting (which you can get for as little as $7 a month and free if you stick to blog networks.)

Tip #4
Get paid in advance.

Negotiate a contract to get paid at the beginning of the month for that month’s blogging. That way, you will never be out money for a project you’ve completed. And remember, if the company can pay the web host, the electricity bill, the web designer, the internet provider, and so forth, the company can afford to pay you!

Tip #5
When writers’ block hits, to a search online.

Sometimes bloggers get what’s known as “writers’ block”. Writers’ block simply means you’ve run out of ideas to write about. It happens to the best of us, but it doesn’t have to hurt your career as a blogger for hire. When writers’ block occurs, get online and search for blogs, websites, and forums related to your blog’s topic. After a half hour to an hour of reading, you’ll have plenty of ideas to write about. More on