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By Brad Shorr
Have you ever placed an ad on an ad network and felt like some college kid was sitting in his dorm room just clicking your ad 1,000 times so he had some drinking money for the weekend? Adgitize is not a pay per click network. We encourage our publisher members to visit your blog daily. We know that as bloggers ourselves we write some great articles each month and then maybe some not so great articles. What if we encouraged repeat visitation to your blog and these visitors had a chance to see some of your outstanding articles?. Don’t you think they would be more likely to signup for your feeds and to comment? Yes, of course they would.
There was an ad network I was involved with that required me to continually keep bidding on ads. We don’t do that. We charge a flat fee for the month at a very reasonable price, lower than 50 cents a day. All your ads are shown equally across the network.


Everyone want's traffic.You set up a blog with great content but,no one is visiting your blog,so what's the use of it.So, you need at least a decent amount of traffic. So,here is the list of ways
to get traffic to your blog.

(i) Participation in forums:Just go to google and enter your [major keyword + fourm] or [keyword+groups] and search.Suppose,your blog is about blogging,then search 'Blogging forum'.You will find some forums,groups related to your site.Register in the forums and post articles,etc with a link back to your blog as a signature.Answer questions,clarify doubts and provide a link to your blog.But,Dont' SPAM.

(ii) Submit Articles: Submitting articles to article directories is another effective way to build more traffic.By submitting to them,your articles get massive exposure and gain you more traffic.
Some of the popular article directories are,,,etc.
There are hundreds of article directories,just google it.

(iii) SEARCH ENGINE: it brings lots of traffic to your blog.There are millions of people search in the search engines like Google,Yahoo,msn everyday.So,if your blog has so many good posts and is well indexed by google, will get a good amount of traffic via search engines.There are a few steps to look at if you want a decent amount of traffic from the search engines like "submitting your blog sitemap to google",yahoo to index you blog pages very quickly.And the other important one is adding meta tags to your blog.If you follow these two simple steps,then you will get a decent traffic if your content is good.

(iv) Leaving Comments on other blogs:Leaving comments with a link back to your blog is another good thing to do.Leaving comments in the related blogs is more useful and it also increases your pagerank.Always leave good comments and don't Spam.
More information are ahead on:

(v) Submitting blog to Blog Directories:You may know this before,submitting your blog to blog directories will bring you a good traffic.
Here is a good list of blog directories.Most of these blog directories ask you to register before you submit your blog.My suggestion is,create a new email address solely for this purpose so,your personal emails are not flooded with the emails sent by the blog administrators,etc.

(vi) Social Bookmarking is another way to build good traffic to your website/blog.If you don't know what Social Bookmarking is
"Social Bookmarking is a practise of saving Bookmarks,tagging the posts with keywords in a website".Bookmarking means saving a specific website url(address) in your browser that you wish to visit later.There are so many Social Bookmarking sites like,digg,furl,technorati.
One good thing about these Social bookmarking sites is,you will get instant traffic.Just register with them,store your bookmarks,tags,.. and you are done,See your site meter blasting with traffic.

By Brad Shorr
Brad has been kind enough to let me introduce you to a new advertising market. The company I want to introduce to you is called Adgitize. This internet advertising service began in November of 2008. In two months time this community of publishers and advertisers has built up a publishing network of 1,000 member blogs. These blogs are small with less than 100 visitors a day to larger publishers with over 2,000 visitors a day. The Adgitize publishers are currently showing over 1 million ads each week.
What can Adgitize mean to you? Adgitize follows the standard advertiser / publisher model established in the early days of the internet and practiced very successfully by Google. You make the choice if you want to advertise on the Adgitize Ad Network, be a publisher or even be an affiliate. You can earn a few dollars each month as an affiliate or publisher. But, I think the real value to the ambitious blogger looking to find new readers for their prose is to become an advertiser in the network.

By Brad Shorr
The model that was chosen for Adgitize was the desire to find a low cost way for bloggers to advertise their blogs. We understand that many bloggers are not full time and many don’t earn a large income from their blogs. But, we all want to get more traffic and more readers. Adgitize was developed to enable small and large blogs to achieve their traffic goals at an affordable price.
Besides price, is there any other benefit to advertising in the Adgitize Ad Network? It is a great place to do A/B split testing. Each ad has a set price for the entire month. You won’t feel like you set an advertising budget for the month and it is gone in one week. You can spend your time writing (isn’t that what you really want to do) and let us send you traffic to read your great articles.


Everyone want's traffic.You set up a blog with great content but,no one is visiting your blog,so what's the use of it.So, you need atleast a decent amount of traffic and what's great than getting that traffic for FREE?
So,here is the good list of 6 Free ways to get traffic to your blog.

1.SEARCH ENGINE:Yea! it brings lots of traffic to your blog.There are millions of people search in the search engines like Google,Yahoo,msn everyday.So,if your blog has so many good posts and is well indexed by google, will get a good amount of traffic via search engines.There are a few steps to look at if you want a decent amount of traffic from the search engines like "submitting your blog sitemap to google",yahoo to index you blog pages very quickly.And the other important one is adding meta tags to your blog.If you follow these two simple steps,then you will get a decent traffic(massive traffic if your content is good).

2.Submitting your blog to Blog Directories:You may know this before,submitting your blog to blog directories will bring you a good traffic.
Here is a good list of blog directories(there are so many directories,but the below one's will bring you a good traffic).Most of these blog directories ask you to register before you submit your blog.My suggestion is,create a new email address solely for this purpose so,your personal emails are not flooded with the emails sent by the blog administrators,etc.
You can find the Blog directories list here.

3.Participate in forums,groups,etc:Just go to google and enter your [major keyword + fourm] or [keyword+groups] and search.Suppose,your blog is about blogging,then search 'Blogging forum'.You will find some forums,groups related to your site.Register in the forums and post articles,etc with a link back to your blog(as a signature).Answer questions,clarify doubts and provide a link to your blog.But,Dont' SPAM.

4.Social Bookmarking:Social Bookmarking is another way to build good traffic to your website/blog.If you don't know what Social Bookmarking is
"Social Bookmarking is a practise of saving Bookmarks,tagging the posts with keywords in a website".Bookmarking means saving a specific website url(address) in your browser that you wish to visit later.There are so many Social Bookmarking sites like,digg,furl,technorati.
One good thing about these Social bookmarking sites is,you will get instant traffic.Just register with them,store your bookmarks,tags,.. and you are done,See your site meter blasting with traffic.

5.Submit Articles to Article Directories:Submitting articles to article directories is another effective way to build more traffic.By submitting to them,your articles get massive exposure and gain you more

By Brad Shorr
We encourage our member publishers to display your ads on all their pages so you get maximum views of your ads. We reward our publishers for writing articles everyday. Your ads will show up on active blogs. Have you ever signed up to show your ad on a blog and then after keeping an eye on it for a few days you realize the blogger never writes a new article when your ad is showing? By rewarding our publishers to keep their blogs current you are exposing your message to active bloggers, active commentators and people more likely to read your blog and help grow your influence.
I encourage you to take a couple of minutes to find out more about how Adgitize can help grow your blog this year. Now is the perfect time to make things happen in 2009. Make it an adventure in blogging!
I want to thank Brad for letting me say a few words to you. We had coffee during the holidays and a very interesting conversation with a mutual friend. Brad is very talented and I recommend him as a wordsmith.